About Pro Sinti & Roma e. V.
Pro Sinti und Roma e. V. aims to be a point of contact for Sinti*zze and Rom*nja in Baden-Württemberg - for everyone, regardless of religion or origin. On the one hand, the association aims to open doors for people who have only recently arrived in Germany. At the same time, Pro Sinti und Roma e. V. is also there for those who have been in Germany all their lives and are still affected by social exclusion.
(Assistance) offers
The board
Pro Sinti und Roma e.V. is an association made up of many different people with a wide variety of backgrounds, expertise and language skills. We are active in various places in Baden-Württemberg (and beyond). And if we don't know what to do ourselves, we can reach out on a broad network from a wide variety of areas.
Do you have a request or a question? Then don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you and will work together to find a solution!
Vereinsvorsitzender und Geschäftsführer:
Herr Kjemal Ahmed
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +497681-4930645
Fax: +497681-22052
Sprachen: Romanes/ Deutsch/ Mazedonisch/ Serbisch/ Bulgarisch/ Kroatisch
Montag - Freitag
08:00 - 17:00
Stellvertretende Vereinsvorsitzende:
Frau Natascha Hofmann
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +49 176-85570526
Sprachen: Deutsch/ Englisch/ Französisch
Mittwoch 09:00 - 11:00
Ansprechperson für Institutionen und Anfragen zu Bildungsworkshops
Beisitzerin im Vorstand:
Frau Jacqueline Tkocz
Mail: [email protected]
Sprachen: Deutsch/ Englisch
Although Pro Sinti und Roma e.V. receives financial support from the state, our needs far exceed our resources. A large part of the team still works on a voluntary basis and unfortunately we are unable to implement many projects that are close to our hearts due to a lack of funds.
Account holder: Pro Sinti & Roma e.V.
Bank: Sparkasse Nördlicher Breisgau
IBAN: DE32680501010014369146
Voluntary commitment
We welcome every helping hand: whether you have a talent for public relations or for moderating events - or whether you have special language skills or enjoy taking photographs. If you have a bit of time and would like to get involved with us. Please feel free to send us an e-mail.
Spread the word
Do you find the concerns of Pro Sinti und Roma e.V. important? Or have you had good experiences with our work? Then why not tell other people about us? Bring your neighbors or friends to our events - or dare to speak out against antiziganism! This is also an important form of support for us.
Other ideas
Do you have another idea? Then we would be delighted to hear from you - preferably by e-mail.
Contact Pro Sinti & Roma e.V.
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Pro Sinti & Roma e.V.
Kirchplatz 9
79183 Waldkirch
Opening times
By telephone from
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
and by appointment